
[alpine-devel] Upcoming feature freeze (testing packages to be removed)

Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
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We are planning a feature freeze for alpine-2.2 in the beginning of
april. This means that if there is something that you think should go
into the stable 2.2 release, we need to hear it *now*.

If you want make sure that your feature will not be forgotten, then the
best way is to create a ticket on http://bugs.alpinelinux.org and set
the target to version 2.2.

There are also a growing number of testing packages. AS usual,
we don't ship stable releases with testing stuff so the packages below
will not be included in 2.2 unless someone test them and tell the
developers that they are production ready.

acf-fetch-crl                         makekit
ack                                   mdocml
agg                                   mediaproxy
alpine-mirrors                        memtest86+
altermime                             mesa-demos
apache-mod-auth-kerb                  moinmoin
apache-mod-backtrace                  moodbar
apache-mod-fcgid                      mp3info
apts                                  msmtp
augeas                                multitail
autoconf2.13                          mutagen
avahi                                 mutter
awesome                               ncmpcpp
bcfg2                                 nginx
bluez                                 ngrep
bluez-firmware                        nload
bluez-hcidump                         nodejs
btrfs-progs                           nsd
cacti                                 obex-data-server
cdparanoia                            obexd
cherokee                              obexftp
clutter                               openal-soft
csync2                                openlldp
daemontools                           openobex
dconf                                 opensips
deadbeef                              opensips-cp
dspam                                 openvcp
duplicity                             openvpn-auth-ldap
ecasound                              openxcap
elementary-gtk-theme                  par2cmdline
elementary-icon-theme                 partimage
elinks                                perl-astro-suntime
empty                                 perl-control-x10
etracer                               perl-device-serialport
evilwm                                perl-extutils-cchecker
evolution                             perl-file-next
evolution-data-server                 perl-image-exiftool
exiv2                                 perl-json
expect                                perl-lwp-useragent-determined
faenza-icon-theme                     perl-mime-lite
fail2ban                              perl-php-serialization
fetch-crl                             perl-socket-getaddrinfo
fotoxx                                perl-sys-mmap
freeciv                               perl-test-exception
freeradius-client                     perl-time-parsedate
freeswitch-sounds-es-mx-maria         perl-x10
freeswitch-sounds-fr-fr-sibylle-8000  polkit-gnome
freeswitch-sounds-music-8000          postler
ftgl                                  pptpclient
giggle                                printproto
gigolo                                proftpd
gjs                                   prosody
gmime                                 psmisc
gnokii                                putty
gnome-bluetooth                       py-application
gnome-disk-utility                    py-boto
gnump3d                               py-buildutils
gparted                               py-cjson
gross-svn                             py-crypto
gtk-equinox-engine                    py-dbus
gtk-murrine-engine                    py-django
gtkhtml                               py-docutils
gtkimageview                          py-eventlet
gvfs                                  py-gnutls
hardinfo                              py-greenlet
hdparm                                py-imaging
hping3                                py-jabberbot
html2ps                               py-jinja2
icecast                               py-lxml
ices2                                 py-mysqldb
ifupdown                              py-pygments
imake                                 py-roman
inotify-tools                         py-sphinx
iproute2                              py-templayer
irrlicht                              py-twisted
iscsi-scst                            py-twisted-web2
ivtv-utils                            py-xmpppy
json-glib                             py-zope-interface
keepalived                            python3
knock                                 qpage
libamz                                qt
libarchive                            quvi
libburn                               rdiff-backup
libdaemon                             re2c
libev                                 rp-pppoe
libexecinfo                           rrdbot
libfetch                              rrdcollect
libgdata                              rsyslog
libgee                                rtapd
libgexiv2                             rtnppd
libgphoto2                            scons
libisofs                              scstadmin
liblockfile                           sems
libmng                                setserial
libnetcf                              shotwell
libnetfilter_log                      sipsak
libplist                              sisctrl
libprojectm                           smartmontools
libraw                                spandsp
librsync                              sqstat
libshout                              squark
libsyncml                             squidguard
liburiparser                          supertuxkart
libvirt                               tbl
libwbxml                              thunar-volman
libwmf                                totem
libxdg-basedir                        totem-pl-parser
libxp                                 tumbler
linux-scst                            txt2man
llvm                                  ucspi-tcp
lockfile-progs                        upstart
logcheck                              usb-modeswitch
lua-augeas                            virtinst
lua-crypto                            vpnc
lua-curl                              xdg-utils
lua-posixtz                           xfburn
lxc                                   xmlrpc-c
lynx                                  xscreensaver
madwimax                              xz
maildrop                              zeromq
mailx                                 zsh


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