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[alpine-devel] [PATCH] main/php: improved APKBUILD, see changes

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Patch: +171 -145
I based my updates off of Arch Linux's work for this package.

Here's the changelog:
- Each 'main subpackage' gets its own build dir, in order to eliminate
  build-time complications.
- Added php-cgi subpackage.
- Added php-embed subpackage.
- Removed php-cli subpackage; it's now in the main 'php' package.
- Added the configure options --with-readline and --enable-pcntl to the 'php'
  package (previously known as the php-cli package).
- Enabled the 'error_log' default option for php-fpm.conf
- Enabled cgi.discard_path in php.ini, as --enable-discard-path was dropped from
  being a configure option.
- Dropped --enable-force-cgi-redirect from configure options, as it was
  deprecated and enabled by default in php.ini.
- Did away with $phpextensionsapache2 in the APKBUILD; seems it was there for a
  workaround.  Perhaps it was part of the #183 fix?  (Apache still segfaults,
  with or without the $phpextensionsapache2 workaround.)

For more info regarding PHP configure options:

Also, can someone look over the updates I made to the #183 fix, regarding the
above $phpextensionsapache2 workaround changes and the changes to where it says
"# see #183" throughout the APKBUILD?  I want to make sure that I didn't break
that fix.

 main/php/APKBUILD |  316 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)

diff --git a/main/php/APKBUILD b/main/php/APKBUILD
index 2cbaf0c..08676e0 100644
--- a/main/php/APKBUILD
+++ b/main/php/APKBUILD
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
pkgdesc="The PHP language runtime engine"
arch="x86 x86_64"
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ makedepends="pcre-dev libxml2-dev libiconv-dev openssl-dev zlib-dev bzip2-dev
	sqlite-dev libtool libltdl postgresql-dev db-dev unixodbc-dev icu-dev
	gd-dev gmp-dev gettext-dev imap-dev aspell-dev
	net-snmp-dev libxslt-dev cyrus-sasl-dev openldap-dev pkgconfig
	libgcrypt-dev apache2-dev apr-dev apr-util-dev libevent-dev"
subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-cli $pkgname-fpm $pkgname-pear
	libgcrypt-dev apache2-dev apr-dev apr-util-dev libevent-dev
subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-cgi $pkgname-fpm $pkgname-embed
@@ -67,14 +69,16 @@ subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-cli $pkgname-fpm $pkgname-pear


prepare() {
        cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
	cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
	# beat the pear installer into using xml.so
	patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/php-install-pear-xml.patch || return 1
	patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/php-uclibc.patch || return 1
@@ -84,9 +88,25 @@ prepare() {

build() {
        cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
	cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver

	phpextensions="--enable-bcmath=shared \
	_phpconfig="--build=${CHOST:-i486-alpine-linux-uclibc} \
		--prefix=/usr \
		--sysconfdir=/etc/php \
		--with-layout=GNU \
		--with-config-file-path=/etc/php \
		--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/conf.d \
		--enable-inline-optimization \
		--disable-debug \
		--disable-rpath \
		--disable-static \
		--enable-shared \
		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
		--with-pic \
		--without-pear \

	_phpextensions="--enable-bcmath=shared \
		--enable-calendar=shared \
		--enable-dba=shared \
		--enable-exif=shared \
@@ -151,177 +171,181 @@ build() {
#		--with-enchant=shared,/usr \
#		--with-tidy=shared \

	# php
	./configure ${_phpconfig} \
		--disable-cgi \
		--with-readline \
		--enable-pcntl \
	sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile  # see #183
	make || return 1

	phpextensionsapache2="--enable-bcmath=shared \
		--enable-calendar=shared \
		--enable-dba=shared \
		--enable-exif=shared \
		--enable-ftp=shared \
		--enable-gd-native-ttf \
		--enable-intl=shared \
		--enable-json=shared \
		--enable-mbregex \
		--enable-mbstring \
		--enable-pdo=shared \
		--enable-phar=shared \
		--enable-posix=shared \
		--enable-session \
		--enable-shmop=shared \
		--enable-soap=shared \
		--enable-sockets=shared \
		--disable-sqlite \
		--enable-sysvmsg=shared \
		--enable-sysvsem=shared \
		--enable-sysvshm=shared \
		--enable-xml=shared \
		--enable-zip=shared \
		--with-bz2=shared \
		--with-curl=shared \
		--with-db4=shared \
		--with-freetype-dir=shared,/usr \
		--with-gd=shared,/usr \
		--with-gettext=shared \
		--with-gmp=shared \
		--with-iconv=shared \
		--with-icu-dir=/usr \
		--with-imap-ssl=shared \
		--with-imap=shared \
		--with-jpeg-dir=shared,/usr \
		--with-ldap=shared \
		--with-mcrypt=shared \
		--with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock \
		--with-mysql=shared,mysqlnd \
		--with-mysqli=shared,mysqlnd \
		--with-openssl=shared \
		--with-pcre-regex=/usr \
		--with-pdo-mysql=shared,mysqlnd \
		--with-pdo-odbc=shared,unixODBC,/usr \
		--with-pdo-pgsql=shared \
		--without-pdo-sqlite \
		--with-pgsql=shared \
		--with-png-dir=shared,/usr \
		--with-pspell=shared \
		--with-regex=php \
		--with-snmp=shared \
		--without-sqlite3 \
		--without-sqlite \
		--with-unixODBC=shared,/usr \
		--with-xmlrpc=shared \
		--with-xsl=shared \
		--with-zlib=shared \
		--without-db1 \
		--without-db2 \
		--without-db3 \
		--without-qdbm \

        ./configure --build=${CHOST:-i486-alpine-linux-uclibc} \
		--prefix=/usr \
		--sysconfdir=/etc/php \
		--with-layout=GNU \
		--with-config-file-path=/etc/php \
		--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/conf.d \
		--enable-inline-optimization \
		--disable-debug \
		--disable-rpath \
		--disable-static \
		--enable-shared \
		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
		--enable-fastcgi \
	# cgi and fcgi
	# reuse the previous run; this will save us a lot of time
	cp -a "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver "$srcdir"/$pkgname-cgi
	cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-cgi
	./configure ${_phpconfig} \
		--disable-cli \
		--enable-cgi \
		--enable-cli \
	sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile  # see #183
	make || return 1

	# apache
	cp -a "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver "$srcdir"/$pkgname-apache2
	cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-apache2
	./configure ${_phpconfig} \
		--disable-cli \
		--with-apxs2 \
	sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile  # see #183
	make || return 1

	# fpm
	cp -a "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver "$srcdir"/$pkgname-fpm
	cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-fpm
	./configure ${_phpconfig} \
		--disable-cli \
		--enable-fpm \
		--enable-discard-path \
		--enable-force-cgi-redirect \
		--with-pic \
	sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile  # see #183
	make || return 1

	# embed
	cp -a "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver "$srcdir"/$pkgname-embed
	cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-embed
	./configure ${_phpconfig} \
		--disable-cli \
		--enable-embed=shared \
	sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile  # see #183
	make || return 1

	# pear
	cp -a "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver "$srcdir"/$pkgname-pear
	cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-pear
	./configure ${_phpconfig} \
		--disable-cgi \
		--with-readline \
		--enable-pcntl \
		--with-pear \
	sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile  # see #183
	make || return 1

	# php-cgi, php-cli, php-pear
	# (both cgi and cli are enabled by default)
	#./configure --build=${CHOST:-i486-alpine-linux-uclibc} \
	#	--prefix=/usr \
	#	--sysconfdir=/etc/php \
	#	--with-layout=GNU \
	#	--with-config-file-path=/etc/php \
	#	--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/conf.d \
	#	--enable-inline-optimization \
	#	--disable-debug \
	#	--disable-rpath \
	#	--disable-static \
	#	--enable-shared \
	#	--mandir=/usr/share/man \
	#	--with-pic \
	#	--with-pear \
	#	${_phpextensions}

	# see #183
	sed -i -e '/^BUILD_CGI/s/$(LDFLAGS)/-lpthread $(LDFLAGS)/' Makefile
	#sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile

        make || return 1
	#make || return 1

	# Need seperate configure string for apache subpkg
	mkdir -p "$srcdir"/php-apache2
	cp -R "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/* "$srcdir"/php-apache2
	cd "$srcdir"/php-apache2
	make clean
        ./configure --build=${CHOST:-i486-alpine-linux-uclibc} \
                    --prefix=/usr \
                    --sysconfdir=/etc/php \
                    --with-layout=GNU \
                    --with-config-file-path=/etc/php \
                    --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/conf.d \
                    --enable-inline-optimization \
                    --disable-debug \
                    --disable-rpath \
                    --disable-static \
                    --enable-shared \
                    --mandir=/usr/share/man \
                    --enable-fastcgi \
                    --enable-cgi \
                    --disable-cli \
                    --enable-discard-path \
                    --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
                    --with-pic \
		    --with-apxs2 \
	# php-apache2
	# (it's best to compile php-apache2 in it's own directory)
	#mkdir -p "$srcdir"/php-apache2
	#cp -R "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/* "$srcdir"/php-apache2
	#cd "$srcdir"/php-apache2
	#make clean
	#./configure --build=${CHOST:-i486-alpine-linux-uclibc} \
	#	--prefix=/usr \
	#	--sysconfdir=/etc/php \
	#	--with-layout=GNU \
	#	--with-config-file-path=/etc/php \
	#	--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/conf.d \
	#	--enable-inline-optimization \
	#	--disable-debug \
	#	--disable-rpath \
	#	--disable-static \
	#	--enable-shared \
	#	--mandir=/usr/share/man \
	#	--with-pic \
	#	--disable-cgi \
	#	--disable-cli \
	#	--with-apxs2 \
	#	${_phpextensionsapache2}

	# see #183
	#sed -ri "s/^(EXTRA_LDFLAGS[ ]*\=.*)/\1 -lpthread/" Makefile

        make || return 1
	#make || return 1

package() {
        cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
        make -j1 INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir" install || return 1
        install -D -m644 php.ini-production "$pkgdir"/etc/php/php.ini
	cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
	make -j1 INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir" install || return 1
	install -D -m644 php.ini-production "$pkgdir"/etc/php/php.ini
	sed -i -e "s:^; extension_dir = \"./\":extension_dir = \"$_extdir\":" "$pkgdir"/etc/php/php.ini
	sed -ri "s~^([;]*cgi\.rfc2616_headers.*)$~\1\n\n\; If this is enabled, the PHP CGI binary can safely be placed outside of the\n; web tree and people will not be able to circumvent .htaccess security.\ncgi\.discard_path = 1~" "$pkgdir"/etc/php/php.ini
	rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man

apache2() {
       cd "$srcdir"/php-apache2
       mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/apache2/  
       mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/etc/apache2/conf.d/
       install -D -m755 libs/libphp5.so "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/apache2/libphp5.so
       install -D -m644 ../../php5-module.conf "$subpkgdir"/etc/apache2/conf.d/php5-module.conf
	pkgdesc="PHP Module for Apache2"
	install -D -m755 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-apache2/libs/libphp5.so "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/apache2/libphp5.so
	install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/php5-module.conf "$subpkgdir"/etc/apache2/conf.d/php5-module.conf

cli() {
	pkgdesc="PHP command line interface"
	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin
	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/php "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/
cgi() {
	pkgdesc="PHP Common Gateway Interface (CGI)"
	install -D -m755 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-cgi/sapi/cgi/php-cgi "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/php-cgi

fpm() {
	pkgdesc="PHP Fast Process Manager (FPM) interface"
	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin
	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/etc/php
	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/sbin/php-fpm "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/php-fpm
	mv "$pkgdir"/etc/php/php-fpm.conf.default "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/php-fpm.conf
	pkgdesc="PHP Fast Process Manager (FPM) Interface"
	install -D -m755 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-fpm/sapi/fpm/php-fpm "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/php-fpm
	install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-fpm/sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/php-fpm.conf
	install -D -m755 "$srcdir"/php-fpm.init "$subpkgdir"/etc/init.d/php-fpm

	# enable some defaults
	# enable some default options
	sed -ri "s~^;(error_log)(.*)~\1 = /var/log/php-fpm.log~" "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/php-fpm.conf
	sed -ri "s/^;(pm.start_servers)/\1/" "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/php-fpm.conf
	sed -ri "s/^;(pm.min_spare_servers)/\1/" "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/php-fpm.conf
	sed -ri "s/^;(pm.max_spare_servers)/\1/" "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/php-fpm.conf

	install -D -m755 "$srcdir"/php-fpm.init "$subpkgdir"/etc/init.d/php-fpm
embed() {
	pkgdesc="PHP Embed Library"
	install -D -m755 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-embed/libs/libphp5.so "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/libphp5.so
	install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/sapi/embed/php_embed.h "$subpkgdir"/usr/include/php/sapi/embed/php_embed.h

pear() {
	depends="php php-cli"
	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin
	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/share
	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/etc/php
	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pear "$subpkgdir"/usr/share/
	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/pear* "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/
	mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/pecl "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/
	mv "$pkgdir"/etc/php/pear.conf "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/
	pkgdesc="PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR)"
	cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-pear
	make install-pear INSTALL_ROOT=""$subpkgdir""
	for _rmpear in `find "$subpkgdir" -name '.*'`; do
		rm -rf ${_rmpear}

doc() {
	install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/sapi/cli/php.1 "$subpkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/php.1
	install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/scripts/man1/phpize.1 "$subpkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/phpize.1
	install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/scripts/man1/php-config.1 "$subpkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/php-config.1
	install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-fpm/sapi/fpm/php-fpm.8 "$subpkgdir"/usr/share/man/man8/php-fpm.8

_mv_mod() {
	pkgdesc="$1 php extension"
	mkdir -p "$subpkgdir/$_extdir"
	mv "$pkgdir/$_extdir/${1}.so" "$subpkgdir/$_extdir/" || return 1
	mv "$pkgdir"/$_extdir/${1}.so "$subpkgdir"/$_extdir/ || return 1
	install -d "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/conf.d
	echo "extension=${1}.so" > "$subpkgdir"/etc/php/conf.d/${1}.ini
	return 0
@@ -384,5 +408,7 @@ dev() {
md5sums="2c069d8f690933e3bf6a8741ed818150  php-5.3.4.tar.bz2
5111e3be06d391f8772587c675240fab  php-install-pear-xml.patch
26adfe0e744ec05fa9e368bbdee83176  php-uclibc.patch
289ca647771170f096985951047174e7  suhosin-patch-5.3.4-0.9.10.patch
8f2bb2b744a2de50025842cb51fb6a3a  php-fpm.init
289ca647771170f096985951047174e7  suhosin-patch-5.3.4-0.9.10.patch"
67719f428f44ec004da18705cbabe2ee  php5-module.conf
6b7ebe6e1eedaada03d830bcf2fdc575  php.post-upgrade"

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