
Re: [alpine-devel] Repistory pinning

Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
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On Mon, 01 Jul 2013 18:48:08 +0430
Richard Johnson <johnson9884@qq.com> wrote:

> I am using alpine 2.4, and after following the instructions on repository pinning here to add the edge testing repository, and running the following command, I can't get new packages. Whats the problem?
> apk add btrfs-progs@testing

We had some significant changes wrt dependencies in the v2.5 cycle.
Packages after v2.4 needs that their dependencies has a 'provides =
so:libfoo.so'. Basically, mixing v2.4 repos with newer repos might give
you unexpected results. (will likely pull in more from edge than you want)

I would recommend:
1) test that btrfs-progs is working enough for 'main'
2) ask us to move it to main
3) ask us to backport it to v2.4

But if you want newer features, then I'd prefer that you used newer release.
(i think btrfs-progs is available in v2.6)


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