
Re: [alpine-devel] abuild vs. makepkg

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On Jun 26, 2017 8:38 PM, Dan Anderson <dan.hillier.anderson@gmail.com> 
 > Just got started using alpine; I've been having a good time. However, 
I'm curious about the design of abuild: the APKBUILD format is (nearly) 
a direct clone of Arch's MAKEPKG, but with small incompatibilities.
 > What was the reason behind not just using makepkg as it was (missing 
functionality?), and would patches aimed at improving compatibility be 
worth-while? Reducing the friction porting, say, AUR packages to alpine 
seems useful to me.

That cannot happen without making Alpine arch. So without adopting 
systemd, bash, and many more software it won't happen. If you want arch, 
why don't you use arch? :)


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