Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 3EB1D782C6B for <~alpine/>; Thu, 23 Jan 2020 20:02:42 +0000 (UTC) Received: (Migadu outbound); Thu, 23 Jan 2020 20:02:41 +0000 Authentication-Results:; auth=pass (plain) Received: from ( []) by (Haraka/2.8.16) with ESMTPSA id 5F61F2F5-38D4-4A0E-85A5-C927B2359513.1 envelope-from (authenticated bits=0) (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 verify=FAIL); Thu, 23 Jan 2020 20:02:41 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 20:02:41 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Mailer: RainLoop/1.12.1 From: "Ariadne Conill" Message-ID: <> Subject: Let's talk more about apk-tools 3.0 To: ~alpine/, ~alpine/ DKIM-Signature: v=1;a=rsa-sha256;bh=NdOmiV/NZJwwDJk2fGYgFz3L+pl0N7yhQbCfyw0M0Mo=;c=relaxed/simple;;h=from:subject:date:to;s=default;b=TVGFbbn4U78A6usEXu3T07jiGlb5TlDAu21UKDNWXqUeEj29c8AU3N2ij//3O5zoymTwFDDV+mE2RAfclvaVANmaB0CcuRTRRSJKlIq6P+YsGGghmaZN79W9H3/dpwB28R8KyAiwf92N5q8KKHl/1fn0N3hPqw39rBvX4cEySac= Hello everyone,=0A=0AThe e-mail thread I wrote earlier about apk-tools cu= lminated in=0Aa fairly lengthy discussion in IRC, that I believe has been= quite=0Auseful.=0A=0AThe primary concern with risk management was figuri= ng out the=0Asafest way to handle migration from apk2 to apk3. I am pleas= ed=0Ato report that we appear to have found a workable solution for=0Adis= tributions like Alpine to follow!=0A=0AThe conclusion that we have reache= d consensus on is that apk3=0Ashould continue to support APKv2 packages f= or some period of=0Atime. This allows for us to provide both an APKv2 and= APKv3=0Aindex referencing the APKv2 packages. By doing so, we can have= =0Aa seamless migration to apk-tools 3.0 in a safe way that allows=0Afor = testing.=0A=0AWhile we do not have the full details worked out quite yet = on=0Awhat a transition would ideally look like, a rough idea would=0Abe s= omething along these lines:=0A=0A1. apk-tools 3.0 is released to the test= ing repository.=0A2. Users who opt into the testing repository could at t= hat=0Atime opt into testing apk-tools 3 if they wish by adding=0Ait as a = tagged dependency (apk add apk-tools@testing).=0A3. apk-tools 3 uses the = APKv3 indices, while apk-tools uses=0Athe legacy APKv2 indices.=0A4. If a= pk-tools 3 is stable and APKv3 package support is=0Acompleted, it replace= s legacy apk-tools in Alpine 3.12.=0A5. At some point down the road, we s= wap over to APKv3=0Apackages and stop providing APKv2 indices. We call th= at=0Arelease Alpine 4.0.=0A=0AIt is suggested that other distributions us= e the same basic=0Amigration strategy.=0A=0AIn the event of a problem, we= simply hold apk-tools 3.0=0Amigration from testing to main to a future r= elease, such as=0AAlpine 3.13.=0A=0AAnother question that has been asked = is how apk-tools-static=0Awill be handled. The plan there is to provide a= signed=0Aapk-tools-static binary that Alpine and other distributions=0Ac= an use for bootstrapping purposes. More details on that=0Awill be availab= le once we have a specific plan for it.=0A=0AThanks everyone for your fee= dback!=0A=0AAriadne