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apk total download size

antoniomaccagnan <antoniomaccagnan@gmail.com>
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I can't seem to find a way to get apk show the total download and the size of the installed packages on the hard disk before installing a package.
I'd like to suggest to add such option to apk.
This is a standard feature in most package managers and it would seem especially welcome on Alpine since it is by nature a minimalist distro.
Knowing how much space a packages and its dependencies would take would aid users to decide which set of packages better suits their needs before committing to an install.

antoniomaccagnan <antoniomaccagnan@gmail.com>
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<20210124193435.ee3263f838d86a9b4e92bd5d@gmail.com> (view parent)
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On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 19:34:35 -0800
antoniomaccagnan <antoniomaccagnan@gmail.com> wrote:

> I can't seem to find a way to get apk show the total download and the size of the installed packages on the hard disk before installing a package.
> I'd like to suggest to add such option to apk.
> This is a standard feature in most package managers and it would seem especially welcome on Alpine since it is by nature a minimalist distro.
> Knowing how much space a packages and its dependencies would take would aid users to decide which set of packages better suits their needs before committing to an install.

apk add --interactive

antoniomaccagnan <antoniomaccagnan@gmail.com>
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<20210125200956.2bca732a@ncopa-desktop.lan> (view parent)
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Thanks a lot. Works just fine.
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