Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id A6A64781A49 for <~alpine/>; Wed, 21 Apr 2021 11:40:02 +0000 (UTC) Received: from [IPv6:::1] (unknown [IPv6:2a04:cec0:10d7:ef93:70ff:92e2:f4fb:90e3]) (Authenticated sender: by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id C1B732003DE for <~alpine/>; Wed, 21 Apr 2021 13:40:00 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=smtp-20201208; t=1619005201; bh=xWjSn76EuvvPSmADnbfDf3YA/gFWpB5KwAGYZfSEnjk=; h=Date:From:To:Subject:In-Reply-To:References:From; b=bhPGbraximVMKKyW1cnM5x7iSIwRUPfXWBxeLXTrN4h4I3MeTKgm3Y8gVEu7KDMFB iXhlLx1x91h0rUkBkAJKzDC1wvW2/x2YVyih5N7ab9Lzd+zUF2QARhLJ/wnLLpwEOM NZQqOMTHlcuYJnigZKa7/GBsvLxosi9K+gLXYNP7WTrvQq04vha/izMtgNjqlRVMBD pXH0s5395XdBjZwbb5BNHp9Iizj533RtbjZTls2+0R5TBLo+2MLIjOCYghwJbpOY20 VOd/n8cnKL/vxEtSiywa2gUX0Q7sgLVAWqFs3SKkLN5X6vWraHOokDV7iCFC2uK208 +RUJ1WyR7SxnQ== Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 13:39:59 +0200 From: Laurent Baysse To: ~alpine/ Subject: Re: Introducing the Security Fix Tracker User-Agent: K-9 Mail for Android In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=----0LHKHCR7HKTLQ8U7E5N8T0V237SYM8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ------0LHKHCR7HKTLQ8U7E5N8T0V237SYM8 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, I'm just a regular user of this distribution=2E I think it would be great to sort the list by CVE name because they are ma= de from year then sequencial number=2E It easier to find last CVE instead o= f sorting/grouping by package name=2E Or better, allow users to sort like they want=2E Laurent Le 21 avril 2021 06:39:56 GMT+02:00, Ariadne Conill a =C3=A9crit=C2=A0: >Hello, > >We have been hard at work the past month working on a CVE tracking system= =20 >for Alpine=2E While this work is not 100% complete, it is in a state whe= re=20 >we can start testing it and making tweaks as needed=2E > >You can play with it at https://security=2Ealpinelinux=2Eorg/ and if you = want=20 >to send some tweaks, it's at=20 >https://gitlab=2Ealpinelinux=2Eorg/kaniini/secfixes-tracker on Gitlab=2E > >Thanks to the infrastructure team for getting up the test version so=20 >quickly! > >Ariadne ------0LHKHCR7HKTLQ8U7E5N8T0V237SYM8 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello,

I'm just a regular user of this dist= ribution=2E

I think it would be great to sort the list by CVE name b= ecause they are made from year then sequencial number=2E It easier to find = last CVE instead of sorting/grouping by package name=2E

Or better, a= llow users to sort like they want=2E


Le 21 avril 2021 06:39:56 GMT+02:00, Ariadne Conill <ariadne@= dereferenced=2Eorg> a =C3=A9crit=C2=A0:

We have been hard at work= the past month working on a CVE tracking system
for Alpine=2E While t= his work is not 100% complete, it is in a state where
we can start test= ing it and making tweaks as needed=2E

You can play with it at https://security=2Ealpinelinux= =2Eorg/ and if you want
to send some tweaks, it's at
https://gitla= b=2Ealpinelinux=2Eorg/kaniini/secfixes-tracker on Gitlab=2E

Than= ks to the infrastructure team for getting up the test version so
quickl= y!
