On Thu, 29 Apr 2021, Konstantin Kulikov wrote:
> Russ Cox of Go language team has drafted a proposal for a shared
> vulnerability format for open-source packages with goals to enhance
> interoperability between language teams, security researchers, and
> cross-language databases.
> See google doc [0] and his original tweet [1].
I have responded to him on Twitter. We have been talking about a similar
idea in ##distro-security on freenode. It looks to me like both concepts
are complimentary to each other (we are talking about federating security
data between internal distro trackers, using JSON-LD and Linked Data
Notifications), as Russ's proposal provides a reasonable vocabulary for
the security data to use.
Maybe we can get everyone together in ##distro-security to talk about this
and organize something?
> Maybe we can get everyone together in ##distro-security to talk about this
> and organize something?
I'm not involved in this work, just thought it would be useful for alpine.
From the doc:
>This format is still in early stages, a work in progress. Feedback from maintainers of other vulnerability databases is most welcome. Please feel free to add comments directly to the doc (preferred) or to mail rsc@google.com. Once we have some confirmation that the approach is viable and adoptable (perhaps after further modifications), we intend to move this document to an appropriate permanent home.