
abuild: avoid division by zero when calculating human size for packages v1 PROPOSED

Christian Kampka: 1
 abuild: avoid division by zero when calculating human size for packages

 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
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[alpine-devel] [PATCH] abuild: avoid division by zero when calculating human size for packages Export this patch

 abuild.in | 9 ++++++---
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abuild.in b/abuild.in
index 3b6fe04..2642fdf 100644
--- a/abuild.in
+++ b/abuild.in
@@ -1253,8 +1253,12 @@ scan_pkgconfig_depends() {
# read size in bytes from stdin and show as human readable
human_size() {
	awk '{  split("B KB MB GB TB PB", type)
		for(i=5; y < 1; i--)
			y = $1 / (2**(10*i))
		if($1 == 0)
			# avoid division by zero
			y = 0
			for(i=5; y < 1; i--)
				y = $1 / (2**(10*i))
		printf("%.1f %s\n", y, type[i+2]) }'

@@ -2209,4 +2213,3 @@ for i in $install_after; do



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