
Re: Alpine Linux Mailing List

Nathan Angelacos <nangel@alpinelinux.org>
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<replying on list to request sent directly to Natanael>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Herbert J. Skuhra <herbert@gojira.at>
> Date: Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 4:24 PM
> Subject: Alpine Linux Mailing List
> To: natanael.copa@gmail.com
> Hei,
> can you please fix the mail server of the Alpine Linux mailing list?
> - Why are there two PTR records for
> domain name pointer host74-117-189-116.
> genericconf.com.
> domain name pointer mail.alpinelinux.org.
> - Why is the ehlo/helo hostname lists.alpinelinux.org and not
>   mail.alpinelinux.org?

Thanks Herbert,

The extra PTR record has been removed, and the remaining PTR record was
renamed "lists.alpinelinux.org." The helo is "lists.alpinelinux.org"
because that's the canonical name of the server.
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