---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frank Casey <>
Date: Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Fwd: Invitation to Alpine Linux to join Open Invention Network
Hello Jeff,
While going through my file I discovered this email. Hoping you're still
with Alpine Linux amd understand the importance of protecting the Linux
community from patent aggression I thought I'd drop a note to let you know
that we now have over 1,000 members from around the world who support our
We continue to try and grow because, as we do, we become a stronger
advocate for open innovation. Please visit our new website at and see what we're doing. Hopefully
you'll decide to be part of our community after you do.
It's been a long time since I first wrote to you and I hope this note finds
you well.
All the best,
Frank Casey
Open Invention Network LLC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 9:22 AM
Subject: Invitation to Alpine Linux to join Open Invention Network
Hello Jeff,
My name is Frank Casey and I am writing to you on behalf of Open Invention
Network (OIN), an organization formed to support and protect the Linux
and everyone who builds or uses Linux related technology. As I believe you
the Developer and Manager of Alpine Linux I would like to invite you and
team to join the OIN community.
The OIN community helps support open innovation and deter patent restriction
around Linux and its related ecosystem by providing an aggression "no fly
zone." Anyone can join by pledging nonaggression towards the other OIN
and, in return, receives the same pledge from the others as well as OIN's
support if faced with aggression from third-parties. Our objective is a
where patent aggression around Linux is not acceptable.
There is no cost to join nor any other obligation. Today we have over 400
members from around the world who realized that patent issues pose a threat
their freedom to innovate and operate and wanted to support our efforts to
Linux open and free. KDE, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco Systems,
Google are just a few of our membership and we'd be pleased to have Alpine
Linux join them.
I know you're busy but hope you will find the time to consider and accept
invitation. Attached you will find some items that speak to OIN and I
you to read them and/or go to our website at
I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing back from you.
Frank Casey
Open Invention Network, LLC