

Raspberry Pi diskless install methods changed?

John Miller <john@millerjs.org>
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Hello All,
I have been using diskless alpine on Raspberry Pi for quite a while but I haven't set up a new install in about 6 months. I am trying to deploy alpine-rpi-3.16.2-aarch64 onto a Pi4, and a diskless configuration is mandatory for how I'm using these. Has something changed recently with how this process works? Can someone provide me with the correct steps for deploying alpine on a pi in a diskless fashion?

When I run setup alpine and enter 'data' for disk type (which isn't listed in the suggestions list, but is accepted when I enter it) it then prompts for a partition to use. If I use /dev/mmcblk0p1 it just wants to format that partition - which should not be necessary.

I have tried working off of a few different guides that I've found but none seem to work correctly, any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I'm running in circles for a process that shouldn't be that complicated. 

Thanks in advance!

Daniel F. Dickinson <dfdpublic@wildtechgarden.ca>
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<14C23A21-1448-4165-8276-709863015C99@millerjs.org> (view parent)
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Hello John,

On 2022-08-11 11:22 a.m., John Miller wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have been using diskless alpine on Raspberry Pi for quite a while but I haven't set up a new install in about 6 months. I am trying to deploy alpine-rpi-3.16.2-aarch64 onto a Pi4, and a diskless configuration is mandatory for how I'm using these. Has something changed recently with how this process works? Can someone provide me with the correct steps for deploying alpine on a pi in a diskless fashion?
> When I run setup alpine and enter 'data' for disk type (which isn't listed in the suggestions list, but is accepted when I enter it) it then prompts for a partition to use. If I use /dev/mmcblk0p1 it just wants to format that partition - which should not be necessary.

I believe the issue is that you need to create a second partition for
that data. If you are going with only one big partition, if memory
serves me correctly, at either the data prompt, or the partition prompt
(I don't remember which) you select 'none' and then are given the
opportunity to use an already mounted partition.



> I have tried working off of a few different guides that I've found but none seem to work correctly, any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I'm running in circles for a process that shouldn't be that complicated. 
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> John

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