
How to sign repository with gpg key?

Kamil Cukrowski <kamilcukrowski@gmail.com>
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I have a public key
that I (hopefully) used to sign my repository at
https://kamcuk.gitlab.io/yio/alpine/x86_64/ . However upon
installation using that repo and key I get `BAD signature` error from

How do I add the public key to the list of trusted keys? Why the
signature is BAD?

I have my own rsa key, so I followed some online site on how to convert
it to RSA key.
I generate private rsa key from my gpg key with:

    gpg --export-secret-keys CC36098A43EBF7B5 | openpgp2ssh
CC36098A43EBF7B5 > /kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa

This generates `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----` file. I have then
signed the repo with like:

     abuild-sign -k /kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa

And then generated public key with:

     openssl rsa -in /kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa -pubout -out

I confirmed with `openssl rsa -pubin  -modulus -noout -in
and `openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in /kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa` that
modulus of keys matches.

Then these files are uploaded to gitlab pages and then I guess I should
be able to install it:

    # add public key, repo to apk and then apk add the package
    $ docker run --rm alpine sh -xc 'wget
    -O /etc/apk/keys/kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa.pub ; echo
    'https://kamcuk.gitlab.io/yio/alpine/' >> /etc/apk/repositories ;
    apk add yio'
    + wget
    -O /etc/apk/keys/kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa.pub
    Connecting to kamcuk.gitlab.io (
    saving to '/etc/apk/keys/kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa.pub'
    kamilcukrowski@gmail 100% |********************************|   800 
    0:00:00 ETA
    '/etc/apk/keys/kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa.pub' saved
    + echo https://kamcuk.gitlab.io/yio/alpine/
    + apk add yio
    fetch https://kamcuk.gitlab.io/yio/alpine/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
    ERROR: https://kamcuk.gitlab.io/yio/alpine/: BAD signature
    WARNING: Ignoring APKINDEX.f89d10e2.tar.gz: No such file or directory
    ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
      yio (missing):
        required by: world[yio]

But I get `BAD signature` and also `No such file or directory`. I tried
finding something in `apk` sources in
https://github.com/alpinelinux/apk-tools , but I do not know what is
wrong, the signing process in
https://github.com/alpinelinux/abuild/blob/master/abuild-sign.in is
pretty straightforward.
When I unpack the generated `APKINDEX.tar.gz` there is a
`.SIGN.APK.kamilcukrowski@gmail.com.rsa.pub` file
inside it. Can I somehow "manually" confirm that the APKINDEX has been
correctly signed? Do I also need
to sign packages, or just APKINDEX?

Thank you.
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