Received: from ( [IPv6:2a01:4f8:10a:2ad9::2]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9FC4E2241A6 for <~alpine/>; Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:21:43 +0000 (UTC) Message-ID: <> DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=dkim; t=1731950502; h=from:from:reply-to:subject:subject:date:date:message-id:message-id: to:to:cc:mime-version:mime-version:content-type:content-type: content-transfer-encoding:content-transfer-encoding:autocrypt:autocrypt; bh=WDsniw7lUZN20Y9TU4JsU3J9AoAUbXBYk0UF1DbxrME=; b=qdYfpEL2Glnw6JSRCn3x62uUawkU5Zvkfqz71psfJ8a+Ekuwe1kBGVfuRp/aTtMy/m52cE BppC4xnt1vv2WrYYzv04I3hhluvE3fYrX2/ZKo6oei3zTAmqLbLzG3rm5w5cLDbj5SoZtz 0bedjzA3lr78NLC7fnh1gGTHSU7ZjV+rb1CIam4x+EKLiGfT2Aj83pWWnrJ2KeiWgE+oOy +swGTkeo8Gq6E0yq0Z6OtvSMxL6+Ku3Cj5DXBWvKvbe6FgUT4dTwf7T2TBlv0+/Y22u4CP L8c3v+Rf5+AKfxz+9g3zs4qiYq3GzUW/Ibv2NRhCnk4TVHrDVQG9oUbv31xYNQ== Authentication-Results:; auth=pass Subject: Multiarch container builds, version pinning, and package retention policies are fundamentally incompatible From: Nadia Santalla To: ~alpine/ Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 18:21:26 +0100 Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata=mDMEZqa8DhYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdA8Zuhl961yt0tiX3JhNa0RPWnPElwryswsXdaPA4jy P+0Ik5hZGlhIFNhbnRhbGxhIDxuYWRpYUBzYW50YWxsYS5pbz6ImQQTFgoAQRYhBB7yiOSB3lc3+s U7EhiwRbwJ6bUqBQJmprwOAhsDBQkSzAMABQsJCAcCAiICBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4HAheAAAoJEBi wRbwJ6bUqNo4BAJzbmHsX/YI0osEG15Y7pZ6Erfr5XQXGiRxZX+8MBtatAQCf6ZzYgTnLyr3LGu+v 3kP23iLzHClFL0quxwazXQipCg== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Spamd-Bar: / Hello! I'm Nadia and I'm a long-since, happy user of alpine for containerized workloads. I have recently stumbled across a problem related to multiarch container images, version pinning, and alpine's package retention policy (where only the latest version of a package is available for a given alpine release). I have a Dockerfile that looks like this: ```Dockerfile FROM --platform=3D$TARGETPLATFORM alpine:3.20.3 RUN apk --no-cache add --repository community chromium- swiftshader=3D130.0.6723.116-r0 # ... ``` This Dockerfile is currently (2024-11-18) unbuildable in a multiarch context, because the chromium-swiftshader package has a version drift across architectures: For x86_64, the last (and only available) version is 131.0.6778.69-r0=20 v3.20&repo=3D&arch=3Dx86_64&origin=3D&flagged=3D&maintainer=3D For aarch64, it is 130.0.6723.116-r0 v3.20&repo=3D&arch=3Daarch64&origin=3D&flagged=3D&maintainer=3D I'm sure the issue with chromium-swiftshader is being worked on, and that is not what I want to surface here. I would like to bring attention to the problem that when and if this happens for a given package, container build pipelines that try to build for multiple architectures will break without a fix: Updating to the latest version is not possible, as it is not present in the outdated architecture, and keeping the outdated version is not possible either, as it is no longer installable in the updated architecture. I believe version pinning is established as a good practice in the industry, and thus I think this use case needs some consideration from the Alpine side. Even if not very common, packages breaking for certain architecture is something that can definitely happen, and I think it would be great for alpine to handle this more gracefully. I'd love to hear if this has happened to someone else, and how they are handling it, and/or what's the point of view of alpine developers on this issue. BR, - N