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Possible regression in Alpine 3.9

Idan Adar <idan@adar.me>
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Hi all, 

We have been using node-rdkafka installed in a container that is based on node:8:13-alpine (Alpine 3.8) for some time and everything is good. 

With the release of node:8.16-alpine (Alpine 3.9), things are no longer good.

We’ve pretty much depleted our investigative ideas for finding the root cause, but our current guess is that Alpine 3.9 introduced some unknown change that makes things break. 

The following ticket provides a test case demonstrating it. I am hoping for help from the greater Alpine community to resolve this. 

Please, help us. :-)

Daniel Isaksen <d@duniel.no>
Message ID
<C7E3B45D-1FA9-4DDA-AC8E-17F82C912410@adar.me> (view parent)
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I am unable to reproduce this, am I doing it wrong?

If so, what exactly is the issue, and how can I reliably reproduce it?

Commands (paste: http://tpaste.us/Bop9):
$ docker run --rm -it --name test node:8.16-alpine sh
# apk --no-cache add bash g++ ca-certificates lz4-dev musl-dev cyrus-sasl-dev openssl-dev make python
# apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gcc zlib-dev libc-dev bsd-compat-headers py-setuptools bash
# node
> require("node-rdkafka")

Sincerely / Med vennlig hilsen,
Daniel Isaksen <d@duniel.no> (https://duniel.no)

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, August 2, 2019 3:50 PM, Idan Adar <idan@adar.me> wrote:

> Hi all, 

> We have been using node-rdkafka installed in a container that is based on node:8:13-alpine (Alpine 3.8) for some time and everything is good.

> With the release of node:8.16-alpine (Alpine 3.9), things are no longer good.

> We’ve pretty much depleted our investigative ideas for finding the root cause, but our current guess is that Alpine 3.9 introduced some unknown change that makes things break.

> The following ticket provides a test case demonstrating it. I am hoping for help from the greater Alpine community to resolve this.

> Please, help us. :-)

> https://github.com/Blizzard/node-rdkafka/issues/649
Idan Adar <idan@adar.me>
Message ID
<lofHnA6vbyww_1KpgUaPkk-ar595Qgc9g0WzAL1mwhi5U6Yz-ZmcVyaTmlSm1at7M9mUd6xmLSjSjhOA8bFaM4CYBmzaHDhQO4-CH7YIy74=@duniel.no> (view parent)
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Thanks Daniel.
Have you attempted the test case from this comment? https://github.com/Blizzard/node-rdkafka/issues/649#issuecomment-516308356

Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 Aug 2019, at 17:03, Daniel Isaksen <d@duniel.no> wrote:
> I am unable to reproduce this, am I doing it wrong?
> If so, what exactly is the issue, and how can I reliably reproduce it?
> Commands (paste: http://tpaste.us/Bop9):
> $ docker run --rm -it --name test node:8.16-alpine sh
> # apk --no-cache add bash g++ ca-certificates lz4-dev musl-dev cyrus-sasl-dev openssl-dev make python
> # apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gcc zlib-dev libc-dev bsd-compat-headers py-setuptools bash
> # node
>> require("node-rdkafka")
> -----
> Sincerely / Med vennlig hilsen,
> Daniel Isaksen <d@duniel.no> (https://duniel.no)
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Friday, August 2, 2019 3:50 PM, Idan Adar <idan@adar.me> wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> We have been using node-rdkafka installed in a container that is based on node:8:13-alpine (Alpine 3.8) for some time and everything is good.
>> With the release of node:8.16-alpine (Alpine 3.9), things are no longer good.
>> We’ve pretty much depleted our investigative ideas for finding the root cause, but our current guess is that Alpine 3.9 introduced some unknown change that makes things break.
>> The following ticket provides a test case demonstrating it. I am hoping for help from the greater Alpine community to resolve this.
>> Please, help us. :-)
>> https://github.com/Blizzard/node-rdkafka/issues/649
> <publickey - d@duniel.no - 0x1E863687.asc>
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