
Alpine AARCH64 on the Solid Run MACCHIATObin

Damian Gerow <dwg@flargle.io>
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I've been trying to get Alpine up and running on these fun boards for a
while, but there's been some custom kernel patches that have been required
to have a functional system (read: the NICs haven't worked).

Well, in 5.4-rc8, support for the phy used on these boards was merged.
Which means we can now use a vanilla Linux kernel. I've spent a bit of time
putting together a script that will build out a root filesystem for use in
either the Single Shot or Double Shot boards. This is largely based on the
instructions provided at
which have been incredibly helpful.

This is all pretty rough at this point -- I'd call it "functional", not
"complete". I'm pretty new to arm, haven't worked with u-boot before, and
have only ever used Alpine as it is distributed. Comments and feedback are
welcome -- hopefully this helps out someone else!

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