Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C017C22365A for <~alpine/>; Mon, 5 Jun 2023 10:02:02 +0000 (UTC) MIME-Version: 1.0 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=key1; t=1685959321; h=from:from:reply-to:subject:subject:date:date:message-id:message-id: to:to:cc:mime-version:mime-version:content-type:content-type: content-transfer-encoding:content-transfer-encoding: in-reply-to:in-reply-to:references:references; bh=Evr8levwe/WCk6VBAMXR/yPVjljbJjz0qM5hMK0UEG4=; b=TwwG4SUUngdXYHzCQdoL9LLbdejxd05L2+3rtzNGuAmG1L1SaDN2G1Swx8RvCCFiIcOMpA RrwhVgvSCzMuPInVAW4p/+ZFD+NDA/Q59HKia3lkN1/iXtFAb7wK1CU2VnaJ8UnOcXsTrw cTbUjkhS6qzd6BlW3TCGMlPawS0mZYM= Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2023 12:02:00 +0200 Message-Id: Subject: Re: Does an apk feature exist similar to deb's dpkg-divert or pacman.conf's NoExtract? X-Report-Abuse: Please report any abuse attempt to and include these headers. From: "alice" To: "Ralf Mardorf" , <~alpine/> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> X-Migadu-Flow: FLOW_OUT On Mon Jun 5, 2023 at 11:57 AM CEST, Ralf Mardorf wrote: > Hi, > > does Alpine provide a feature similar to either (Debian/Ubuntu...) deb's > > dpkg-divert no > > or (Arch) pacman.conf's > > NoExtract no > > ? In other words, can you install packages and exclude certain files in > the packages from the installation, like with pacman.conf's NoExtract, > or can certain files at least be installed in a different path and/or > with a different name, like dpkg-divert allows? > > The .desktop files in /usr/local/share/applications/ or > $HOME/.local/share/applications/ in some cases don't override .desktop > files in /usr/share/applications/. This is one of the reasons to > _permanently_ get rid of some files owned by packages, even when > upgrading/reinstalling a package. > > Maybe a workaround by making an edited .desktop file immutable by > running chattr might cause issues, if apk tries to remove or overwrite > it, but even if it shouldn't cause issues, I'm in favour of doing it not > like that. > > IIUC it is possible to protect paths by /etc/apk/protected_paths.d/, but > not certain files. > > Regards, > Ralf