Received: from (unknown [IPv6:2a01:4ff:f0:2247::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B429C225D9E for <~alpine/>; Mon, 7 Oct 2024 14:05:21 +0000 (UTC) Received: from [] (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id E37B07D3A8; Mon, 7 Oct 2024 16:05:18 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=202002021149; t=1728309919; h=from:from:reply-to:subject:subject:date:date:message-id:message-id: to:to:cc:mime-version:mime-version:content-type:content-type: content-transfer-encoding:content-transfer-encoding: in-reply-to:in-reply-to:references:references; bh=Wj8Cnlaguo/VHC9xIV1njsvhGjsnogBjWp4oq/MD4LA=; b=eUrR/ABkZnkRGfLz0vT4V0b87ZNqnNuqYA7QDPJJ0kC4ABvitlBhZgLnMRv1ONBJDeNMEu Ix2AWh5mScCt5+88DivNIu2Gwr6iOxAlqcU4McAGcf9AjMU1LQPmL2gfAoFY68vS/00NeH WDQO9++3544Yo9TKjIguReRigOp+MF8= Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 16:05:17 +0200 Message-Id: Subject: Re: Alpine Main Packages Lists From: "fossdd" To: "Nigel Hopper" , "~alpine/" <~alpine/> X-Greeting: Hi mom! Look, I'm in somebodys mail client! X-Mailer: aerc 0.18.2-0-ge037c095a049 References: In-Reply-To: < On Mon Oct 7, 2024 at 3:40 PM CEST, Nigel Hopper wrote: > Hi > > I?m part of a team that audit software and one of the things that we have= to do is differentiate operating system packages from when they are part o= f the core operating system and when they are added as part of the build fr= om something else. > > We refer to these as Main OS (part of the core OS) and Non-main (added on= top of the core OS). > > Alpine has been a bit of a challenge, but would like to know I we could u= se either of the following links to give us an accurate list of the Alpine = Main OS packages. These would be for 3.20 > > > arch=3Dx86_64&origin=3D&maintainer=3D&flagged=3D If you want reliable information, it's best not to parse a website but use the APKINDEX from Alpine mirrors (e.g. It's what uses to generate data and also what apk itself uses to update package lists. > > Technically the ?same site? but there are differences between these even = though they are the same release. > > gcompat > java-cacerts > > According to these lists, the first package above is on the list, but the= second is not. Based on this, we would likely make gcompat as a Main OS pa= ckage and java-cacerts is a Non-main operating system package. > > Are either of these lists an accurate representation of the Main OSs for = Alpine 3.20. > > Many thanks. > > > Nigel Hopper > Security Consultant: Cybersecurity Assessment & Response Services > Open Source Software Auditor > Advisory Software Engineer > QSE Development Top Gun > > Unless otherwise stated above: > > IBM United Kingdom Limited > Registered in England and Wales with number 741598 > Registered office: Building C, IBM Hursley Office, Hursley Park Road, Win= chester, Hampshire SO21 2JN