I’d like to set up a system with the following disk layout:
/dev/sda1 - boot disk, mounted on / as read-only
/dev/sda2 - data disk, mounted on /var as read-write
No swap (the system has lots of RAM and I need as much disk space as possible).
lbu stored inside /var
Apk cache stored inside /var
I’ve fiddled with multiple combinations of pre-partitioning, using setup-bootable, setup-disk, dd’ing the install image over /dev/sda1, to no avail. I’ve pored over the wiki pages which are confusing to say the least.
I’m pretty comfortable with Linux sysadmin in general, but I don’t understand some of the ways that Alpine handles data mode and the like.
Can anyone give me any pointers, or does anyone have a link to a page that gives more info?