
SYNA3602 [Hantick 5288] i2c multitouch touchpad not supported in Alpine

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I have filed an issue on the GitLab tracker, but I gather that may not 
have been the proper first avenue.


In summary, my GeoBook Geo120 has the SYNA3602 [Hantick 5288] i2c 
multitouch touchpad, which apparently can be a bit of a pain to get 
working out of the box. That being said, I've tested Debians (Debian 
stable, Ubuntu 21.04, Mint 21.04, popOS), Arches (Manjaro, Endeavor), 
openSUSEs (Tumbleweed, Gecko), and Solus on this hardware, and they all 
support my touchpad out of the box.

Thread with machine/setup details:


In my digging around, it looks like there may need to be a module loaded 
in the kernel configuration to address this and support this hardware 
for this device and all other platforms which also use it.


This is referenced by this Manjaro thread:


I performed LSMOD of my installed/running Alpine vs LiveCD boots of the 
other distros, and I think the two modules that are missing from

Alpine's kernel build which seem to be relevant are i2c_hid_acpi and 


Does anyone have any ideas/insight on this, or any guidance on how I can

get those missing modules?


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