

Issues setting up SSH key on Raspberry Pi

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I'm trying to set up Alpine Linux on my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, but
can't seem to get key-based authentication (for SSH) to work.

I'm following the instructions from the wiki[1]; specifically, I have
- formatted my SD card as FAT via GNOME Disks,
- downloaded alpine-rpi-3.16.2-aarch64.tar.gz and extracted it to the
  root of the card and
- downloaded headless.apkovl.tar.gz[2] and placed it in the root of the

I then logged in via SSH, ran `setup-alpine` and went through various
configuration steps, until it asked me whether I wanted to allow root
SSH login. I chose the default of "prohibit-password", to which it
asked me for an SSH key, which I entered. It then asked me for a key
again, which I thought was weird, but I just chalked it up to the
possibility of adding multiple keys, so I went with the default of

I uploaded the full output of the `setup-alpine` command here[3]. After
the command finished, I ran `lbu commit -d`, followed by `reboot`. I
then waited for the Pi to come online again and tried to connect via
SSH, specifying the key file (`ssh root@ -i id_ed25519`),
but was prompted to input a password instead. That didn't work either,
probably because I chose "prohibit-password" earlier.

So... what am I missing? I noticed that there was no .authorized_keys
file being written (at least not to /root/.ssh). I tried to manually
create it and save the changes via `lbu commit -d`, but to no avail.

Thanks in advance!
– Sunny

[1]: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi
[2]: https://github.com/macmpi/alpine-linux-headless-bootstrap
[3]: https://bin.disroot.org/?acd36e22ebf52923#ApJPTu7yM3csBTzGoDm8z97pM3TicXQw4YYP1VJy4Mdk
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<pVsJ7p7h0qHPFblGlD1XadfwBQHeyd55to-QMbZihxjAzemb6MUJfJn_QkM4XZITUz1ErJDcsZNd8AyOlcclo4AVe_mynM_VMubQIbN6qAU=@protonmail.com> (view parent)
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You may need to create an admin user during setup-user phase.
You will then be able to log-in with that user.
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