

u-boot for OLinuXino Lime2

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Lime2's u-boot is a complicated matter. I was assigned some work for various old boards of lime too but since linux itself is extremely complicated, it is a search in infinite dimension.

I would like to contribute to lime2's alpine. Currently, the NetBSD's u-boot works phenomenally for lime2.

How can I get access to Wiki so I can add some support for making easy installation of alpine on lime2?
Thanking you
Sagar Acharya
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<NYOA2cg--3-9@tutanota.com> (view parent)
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Hi Sagar,

I believe you can simply create a Wiki Account yourself!

Regarding the Lime2, I happen to have made a script to simplify the 
process, perhaps it will be helpful/interesting to you:

This compiles upstream U-Boot with Lime2 board revision specific fixes, 
creates desired partitions and writes it to a bootable uSD card.

You may want to edit the variables around line 410 to the newest versions 
of u-boot, Alpine and alpine-chroot (have to update that), but that 
aside, it should allow very easy interactive or automatic creation of an 
Alpine installation onto a uSD card. :)

I also wrote an overly detailed (for beginners) text description of the 


20 Jun 2023 16:20:01 Sagar Acharya <sagaracharya@tutanota.com>:

> Lime2's u-boot is a complicated matter. I was assigned some work for 
> various old boards of lime too but since linux itself is extremely 
> complicated, it is a search in infinite dimension.
> I would like to contribute to lime2's alpine. Currently, the NetBSD's 
> u-boot works phenomenally for lime2.
> How can I get access to Wiki so I can add some support for making easy 
> installation of alpine on lime2?
> Thanking you
> Sagar Acharya
> https://humaaraartha.in
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