
Creating a '.boot_repository'

Daniel F. Dickinson <dfdpublic@wildtechgarden.ca>
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Hi all,

I've been working on adding an answerfile parameter to the kernel
commandline in order to facilitate unattended installs[1], and am
attempting to set up a basic smoke test. The problem I am running into
with this is that when netbooting an APK 'boot repository' is required.

I cannot for the life of me find the documentation of what packages need
to be in said repository, or if there is in fact such documentation. I
have been crawling the mkinitfs source, but I seem to be missing
something in figuring this out.

Any pointers, a list of required packages, or other assistance would be
most welcome.

I have built and openrc and mkinitfs package and successfully built a
netboot image that has the required change to the initrafmfs-init
script, but I'm missing the boot repo from which certain packages must
be downloaded.


1. The issue I created in Gitlab

2. The mkinitfs part of the solution

3. The openrc (firstboot initscript) part of the solution

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